
High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset

Do you want to develop the mindset of the World’s Best? Are you ready to unlock your true potential? Join Dr. Cindra Kamphoff each week, a national leader in the field of Sports and Performance Psychology, as she interviews thought leaders, executives, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs to help you get out of your comfort zone and after your goals. With nearly one million downloads and counting, Dr. Kamphoff provides insights into her personal work with the Minnesota Vikings, Fortune 100 companies, and other top executives and athletes to help you accomplish all your goals and dreams. Ready to launch your true potential? Buckle up and let’s go. Subscribe now and hit the play button.
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High Performance Mindset | Learn from World-Class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches about Mindset











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Aug 3, 2016

High performers know that growth happens outside their Comfort Zone – in their Courage Zone. They act with courage and bravery. They play big. They do things that are uncomfortable. They are comfortable being uncomfortable. They take risks and try new things. They are okay standing out. They live a life with grit and continually pursing their dreams.

 Affirmation this Week: I choose my Courage Zone over my Comfort Zone. I will play big, try new things, and act with courage and bravery. I get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Jul 29, 2016

Ben Newman, Performance Coach, has shared the stage with Ray Lewis, Jerry Rice, and assisted the record setting 5-straight Division I National Football Champion North Dakota State Bison. In this inspiring and energetic interview, he talks about what separates the best from the rest. He says the best do two things: 1) they have a deep connection to their purpose, and 2) they have the daily discipline to reach high performance. Ben explains that the best have the Power of the Reframe and are always focused on solutions not problems. They attack the process, even though we naturally focus on results, and take adversity in real-time. They stay humble and hungry always focused on what they can control – their attitude, effort, and belief. You can find Ben on Twitter @ContinuedFight. To get your free Mental Toughness Playbook, visit and learn more about Ben Newman at You can also find information about his group coaching at

Jul 27, 2016

High performers know they have more in their reserve tank. They keep in mind the 40% rule which means they have up to 60 percent more to give. They embrace the suck, but don’t live there. They think and act like pros by welcoming and embracing the discomfort. They realize they need to stay the course, put their heads in the sand and stay gritty.

Find the shownotes at:

Jul 22, 2016

Jonathan Zierdt, President and CEO of Greater Mankato Growth, talks about his journey battling kidney and prostate cancer. At first he tried to “tame” cancer, but has realized to embrace cancer he must “take what the defense gives him.” In this inspiring interview, Jonathan talks about how he stays positive and how he sees cancer as a “tremendous blessing.” His mission is to change the way we see cancer and be open to the blessings that come from cancer. To stay positive, he encourages people to: 1) find what inspires you and grab ahold of it, and 2) remember that life is not a spectator sport – we must get in the game! To connect with Jonathan, you find him on twitter  @JonathanZierdt  or email him at

Jul 7, 2016

In this interview, David Horsager, the world-leading expert on trust, talks about how a lack of trust is your biggest expense. He describes his 8-pillar framework (clarity, compassion, character, competency, commitment, connection, contribution and consistency). Developing trust takes time - there is no quick fix. The best think about trust bigger and take responsibility for developing trust. He describes his “90 day quick plan” and the importance of asking “How?” “How?” “How?” when thinking about trust. Towards the end of the interview, he describes that we cannot provide anything of long-term value without sources of strength and provide several examples in his own personal life.


You can find more about David’s work including his certifications or learn more about his speaking at  Buy his products including his best-selling books The Daily Edge and The Trust Edge here:

Jul 6, 2016

In his book The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz said, “Nothing people do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dreams.” When we take things personally, we let criticism and negativity eat at us. We can overreact, get offended, and hold grudges. We create conflicts that can impact relationships long-term.

When you take things personally, you allow the words of others to poison you. You get further away from your goals and dreams. You cannot be a high performer – or reach your full potential – when you take things personally.

In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff provides several strategies you can do instead of taking what others do or say personally. You can reach Cindra at or on Twitter @Mentally_Strong.

Jun 28, 2016

In this interview, Dr. Michael Sachs starts by talking about the importance of countering excuses and his passion to help people become more active. He talks about the importance of making exercise a lifetime endeavor and finding an activity that you love to do. The keys to the #1 excuse people give to not exercising (which is time) is to: 1) prioritize exercise, and 2) multitask if needed. He also provides us with the 2% solution and question us: “Is your health worth the 2% needed each day for physical and mental health benefits?” Towards the middle of the interview, he shares other wisdom such as a story about Dr. Seuss failing, how success is a journey not a destination, and how high performers “Carpe diem or Seize the Day.” To connect with Michael, you can email him at

Jun 23, 2016

“Don’t spend a lot of time imaging the worst-case scenario. It rarely goes down as you imagine it will, and if by some fluke it does, you will have lived it twice.” Michael J. Fox

Neurologists have found that when your brain expects something to happen, it works to achieve it at a subconscious level. Your expectation creates it. Your brain takes over the job of accomplishing what you see – what you expect. If you expect the worst, you will get the worst. If you expect the best, you are more likely to get the best. In this podcast, we talk about what to do instead when you think about the worst-case scenario and how to turn your attention to the best-case scenario or what Cindra calls the my-case scenario.

This week's affirmation: I focus on what I want to happen. I CREATE IT IN MY MIND FIRST, AND THEN I MAKE IT HAPPEN. I think like a high performer and believe the sky is the limit for me.


Jun 16, 2016

Andy Murphy, the host of the popular podcast Mindset by Design, shares that the best of the best are great problem solvers and make decisions fast. They are searching for flow, happiness, trust and calmness. He talks about his training in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and the importance of how our conscious and unconscious mind impacts us every day. Andy talks about how we don’t have to believe everything we think, and when we fail, we should use it as feedback. Towards the end of the interview, he discusses how we should build the behaviors that we want to become already. He quotes Bruce Lee at the end of the interview: “I don’t fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times” emphasizing that the consistency and the basics work every time. To contact Andy and to learn about his work, visit: or send him a tweet at @AndyMurphyTV.

Jun 13, 2016

“Nothing is impossible…the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’” Audrey Hepburn

Nothing legendary has ever happened without someone believing it was impossible at one time.  In this podcast, Cindra provides examples that impossible is temporary. Impossible is brief. Impossible is short-lived. Impossible is not permanent. As Muhammad Ali said, “Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion. It is not a declaration. It is a dare!” She describes how high performers – or those to work to reach their greater potential – view the impossible. She shares a strategy for you to consider what you think is impossible for you to change the impossible to I’m possible. To reach Cindra, send her a tweet @Mentally_Strong or an email at

Affirmation this Week: I defy limitations. I move boundaries. I do the impossible because I’m possible!

Jun 9, 2016

Dr. Jack Lesyk, Director of the Ohio Center for Sport Psychology and Sport Psychologist with the Cleveland Cavaliers, sees that the best are gritty – they have passion and perseverance for their long-term goals. They are resilient and don’t let poor performance linger. They have a short-term memory. Jack describes there are two different types of perfectionists: dysfunctional and functional. Functional perfectionists strive for excellence and are always looking for what went great. Dysfunctional perfectionists overreact emotionally and focus on what went wrong. Jack describes a mindfulness practice he does with his clients to help them change how they feel with their words and images. His final advice for high performers – or those who work to reach their greater potential – is to enjoy the moment. Close your eyes, scan your body and make positive self-talk a practice. To contact Jack, visit or send him a tweet at @sportpsychOH.

Jun 7, 2016

John Maxwell said: “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” Most of us are conditioned to blame someone else for our suffering. We blame our parents. We blame the weather. We blame our spouse. We blame our boss. We blame our teammates. We blame our genetics. We blame our education. We blame ownership. We blame our kids. Every time we blame someone or something, we dwindle our chance of success. In this interview with TJ and Lisa, Cindra talks about how high performers create the life and performance they desire. They think and act like a victim.

To connect with Cindra, you can email her at or send her a tweet @Mentally_Strong.


May 31, 2016
Dr. Nicole Detling, Professor in Kinesiology with the University of Utah and Mental Skills Coach with multiple Olympic Teams (US Speed Skating, US Snowboarding Team, US Freestyle Aerials Ski Team), sees that the best are resilient and deal effectively with adversity. 1) They “get their rookie on” and are always growing and learning. In the podcast, she describes one of the phrases she uses frequently: 2) “Embrace the suck, but don’t get stuck in the suck.” She provides 3 of the 10 protective factors of resilient leaders which are optimism, social support, and failure is feedback. Nicole outlines a popular equation, E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome). Her point is that you have no control over the events in your life or sport but have full control over your response. She believes it helps to plan to fail at something every day because 3) “failure is a possibility and a probability.” Her final advice for high performers – or those who work to reach their greater potential – is to be with who you are with right now – to be fully present with the person right in front of you. To contact Nicole, visit: or send her a tweet at @HeadStrongDoc. 
May 25, 2016

High performers, those who work to reach their greater potential, understand what leads them to high performance. They recognize and find their MVP level to perform at their best more often. They put strategies and tools into place to keep their mind working for them not against them. In this episode, Cindra talks about how to find your personal best, or your OWN MVP Level, and how to get there consistently. 

May 17, 2016

Dr. Stephen Walker is a sport psychologist and consultant in the Denver and Boulder, Colorado area. For the last 34 years, he has been helping Olympians, professional athletes and peak performers compete at the highest level. He is the editor of Podium Sports Journal, a mental training journal that has been recognized as one of the Top Sport Psychology Websites.

In this interview, Steve talks about how the best adopt a growth mindset – they understand the only way to grow is to make mistakes. He shares a technique called the Confidence Journal which he uses with his Olympic athletes. Steve shares strategies to stay in the now to increase performance in any field including sports, business, customer service, and public speaking. Towards the end of the interview, Steve talks about his own journey battling cancer. He shares his model for overcoming the odds and how this helped him maintain a positive mindset during chemotherapy and a 12-hour surgery. Every moment is a choice, Steve tells us. It is our choice what we do with that moment!

Connect with Steve at or on Twitter @sportpsychcoach.

May 15, 2016

In this bestselling book, A Man's Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl wrote: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” In this episode, Cindra talks about how to respond not react and shares a strategy called the Power Response Strategy. She talks about how responding not reacting applies to sport, business and life and allows us to be at our best more often.

We'd love for you to share the podcast with your friends and connect with Cindra at or on Twitter @Mentally_Strong.

May 10, 2016

Dr. Eddie O’Connor is a public speaker and clinical sport psychologist in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In this interview, Eddie talks about how the best have a total acceptance of the barriers in front of them. He describes how perfectionists can become "Perfect Perfectionists" and how to embrace mistakes. He suggests that when we receive a compliment to "marinate" on it - take it in, feel it in your heart, and appreciate it. Lastly, Eddie discusses the importance of mindfulness and how to pay attention on purpose without judgment.

To connect with Eddie, find in on Twitter @SportsDrEddie or at

May 6, 2016

Your why is your purpose, a cause, or a belief you are fighting for. It is why you do what you do. When you know your why, it gives YOU the push to keep going. But OWNING your why is a little different. It is a daily practice you can use to stay fueled about your life, work and sport. Dr. Kamphoff talks about how to find and own your why in this episode.

Connect with Cindra @Mentally_Strong on Twitter or at

May 4, 2016

Kristi Schuck, founder and co-owner of WYSIWYG Juice Company, shares her story of resilience and how to see the opportunity in every difficulty. It was through her husband’s diagnosis with Stage 4 Colon Cancer that they both discovered the power of juicing. Wes was given only 4 short months to live, but thrived in this life for over 3 years because of juicing and a caring and loving environment. In this powerful interview on the one-year anniversary of Wes’ passing, Kristi talks about how to thrive in difficult situations, choose love over fear, and develop a practice to maintain an optimistic and resilient mindset.

 For more information about WYSIWYG Juice Company, visit:, connect on Facebook at: or on Twitter @WysiwygMkto.

Apr 25, 2016

There is ample amount of research and evidence that it is not someone’s talent that leads to success, it their grit. It is their persistence and passion that drives them to commit to the hours and hours needed to experience success. It is a person’s grit that leads to success, not the talent or gift they were born with. Grit over gift.

In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff provides two strategies you can use to improve your grit. As always, you can email her at or find her on Twitter @Mentally_Strong.

Apr 14, 2016

Nothing needs to happen for us to be positive. In fact, research indicates that only 10% of our happiness is determined things outside ourselves. 10%!!! That means 90% of our happiness is up to us. Our positivity is determined by our focus and how we choose to feel each day. Dr. Kamphoff shares with us three strategies to improve our positivity percentage. You can find Dr. Kamphoff on Twitter @Mentally_Strong or at You can also reach out to her at

Apr 11, 2016

High Performers are optimistic. They see obstacles and difficulties as happening for them not too them. They find the opportunity in every difficulty. They stay the course committed to their goals and dreams. They are gritty! In this episode, Cindra describes why we should expect the journey to reach our goals and dreams to be difficulty, but see the opportunities in every difficulty. She shares a strategy she calls “3 OPP” to help us do that.

Apr 8, 2016

Angie Fifer, Performance Excellence Trainer at the United States Military Academy at West Point, talks about all things performance. In this interview, she describes how confidence is a decision we make every moment and she shares ways to be more confident. Angie shares how athletes should have a mechanism to “let their mistakes go” which provides “unbelievable power.” Angie describes about how and when to change your attention from the outcome to the process, and how to do that. Finally, she talks about her journey to be “100% comfortable with who she is and what she brings to the table” as she crosses gender boundaries working with Army West Point Men’s Basketball, Men’s Gymnastics, and the Men’s Boxing teams. Angie also practices performance excellence herself as a marathoner, ultra marathoner, and Ironman triathlete. You can reach out to Angie on Twitter @afifer1 or email her at


Apr 4, 2016

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that constrain us in some way. Limiting beliefs are often about ourselves, others, and the world. They are typically broad statements that exist only in our head. Unfortunately, many of our limiting beliefs feel so normal that we don’t even notice them. These limiting beliefs feel like facts, but they are not. Moving beyond your limiting beliefs is a critical first step in your success. In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff talks about how to address your limiting beliefs that are holding your back from reaching your greater potential.

Mar 30, 2016

Ruth Brennan Morrey’s triathlon sporting history is certainly a nontraditional one! As a former Division I soccer player, Ruth “mistakenly” qualified for the 2000 Olympic Trials where she finished 34th out of 210 qualifiers. She took 10 years off from racing and competing due to burnout. In 2011, she took a dare to compete in her first half-ironman and a few years later at age 37, she turned pro. She has been unstoppable ever since!

In this inspiring interview, Ruth talks life balance (oh, she also has three kiddos – ages 11, 8 and 6), competitive drive, and staying fueled with purpose and passion. She described her worst race as also her best race where she learned a new level of suffering and how “difficulties and roadblocks are part of our plan.” She talks about how she uses mindfulness to control her mind which she learned as part of her PhD in Counseling Psychology. Prepared to be inspired to go after any goal or dream you have after listening to this interview!

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us what stood out to you about this interview, by sending a Tweet to Ruth at @RBrennanMorrey and Cindra at @Mentally_Strong. For more information about Ruth, visit:

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