When you know your why, you’re what has more impact because you're working towards your purpose.” Michael Junior
High performers own their why. They don’t just know their why, they own their why. They remind themselves of their why daily and communicate their why to others they work with or lead. Owning your why inspires action, helps you stay fueled and inspired.
Power Phrase this Week: “I own my why. I remind myself of my why daily to stay pumped and motivated to do what I do.”
Joe Trodden has been a mindset coach for nine years and with a specific focus on entrepreneurs for the last five, working with around 300 across all sectors. They come to Joe to work on the next level of their strategy growth and to develop their mindset to become effective entrepreneurial leaders.
Joe believes that mindset is the single biggest factor in success for entrepreneurs. The journey is incredibly difficult at this stage and is often a tipping point as to whether the business will reach its full potential. For that to happen, it is the leader that has to accelerate their own development.
As we discuss in this episode, the brain employs subconscious processes which have to be surfaced if an entrepreneur is to become the best version of themselves. Joe’s work is about linking the neuroscience of mindset development to practical actions and enable entrepreneurs to work through defined stages of leveling themselves up.
In this podcast, Joe and Cindra talk about:
You can find a full description of the Podcast at cindrakamphoff.com/joe.
It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power! – Robert Kiyosaki
High performers know that what they think about themselves, they become. They talk powerfully to themselves because they know thoughts have power. They nurture their self-image.
Power Phrase this Week: “I think “I am” to help me reach my best because my thoughts have power.”
“Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.” - Seth Godin
High performers choose optimism. They fill their mind full of optimism and hope. They see the difference between right now and what it could be. And they explain events in their life with a positive meaning.
Power Phrase this Week: “I am an optimist. I see the possibilities and the good that will happen for me.”
Sarah McVanel helps individuals leverage the exponential power of recognition to retain top talent, fuel healthy teams and sustain healthy bottom lines. She speaks nationally on the topic, leads workshops, coaches leaders, and conducts organizational recognition program reviews. Sarah specializes in working with service-based organizations and “helping professionals”.
Sarah is a Certified Senior Organizational Development Professional (CSODP), Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL). She is one of 1500 Certified Professional Speakers (CSP) in worldwide and President of the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). She has a BA in Psychology, MSc in Family Relations, and Diplomas in Human Resources and Healthcare Administration.
Sarah 20 experience including at a senior leadership level and now owns boutique firm Greatness Magnified. She is an author of peer-reviewed journals, articles, four books, “Forever Recognize Others’ Greatness: Solution Focused Strategies for Satisfied Staff, High Performing Teams and Healthy Bottom Lines” (2015), “The FROG Effect: Tools and Strategies to Forever Recognize Others’ Greatness” (2016), #GreatnessBizHacks: 100+ Tips to Grow a Profitable, Service-Based Biz you Love!& FLIP Side of Failing: How to Recognize and Leverage Greatness in Work and Life (2019).
In this podcast, Sarah and Cindra talk about:
While most would consider him simply a sport psychologist, Dr. Jerry Lynch is a coach, mentor and teacher who guides and coaches athletes and parents to explore the meaning and purpose of sport.Dr. Lynch has a deep calling, one where his success is not measured by "making a living" but rather by "making a difference".
He is the author of 13 books in as many as 10 languages. Dr. Lynch is the founder and director of WAY OF CHAMPIONS, a performance consulting group geared toward helping others master the inner game for peak performance. He maintains a private practice and an extensive sport psychology consultation service for athletes, coaches and parents around the world.
Several of his clients have participated in various summer and winter Olympic Games. Most recently, he has established a consultancy with Steve Kerr, head coach of the World Champion Golden State Warriors. In the past 30 years alone, he has been part of 54 Final Four and 36 National Championship at the collegiate and professional levels.
In this podcast, Jerry and Cindra talk about: