We can all train our mind like a professional athlete, and we should. When we do, we get to our goal quicker and think and act like a high performer. To give ourselves the best chance of success, we can work to have a short-term memory of mistakes, focus on the right thing at the right time, and see adversity as helping us get to where we want to go.
This Week’s Power Phrase: “I train my focus each day to help me reach my goals.”
Quote of the Week: “The sky has no limits. Neither should you.” Usain Bolt
Everyone is a leader. As a leader, you are leading yourself and leading others towards a common goal or purpose. You will not be effective at leading others until you’re first effective at leading yourself. In this episode, Dr. Cindra talks about how we can each lead ourselves more intentionally.
This Week’s Power Phrase: “I show up in this world with intention.”
This Week’s Quote: “To lead yourself, use your head. To lead others, use your heart.” John Maxwell
We have the opportunity to practice acceptance every minute of every day. We can work to accept the situation, accept ourselves, or accept other people. Acceptance is a pillar of peak performance. In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares with us how we can move towards acceptance more often.
This Week’s Power Phrase: “I accept what is and know that I am doing the best I can.”
Quote of the Week: Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”