Gratitude is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger that muscle gets. In this episode, we talk about the power of saying thank you and being gratitude. We discuss the "gratitude effect" and 4 gratitude practices you can do regularly. When you express your gratitude, you are in one of the best possible emotional states possible. Be grateful for everything you have today – even the difficulties.
Our thoughts direct everything we do. They are the most important factor in our success and in our failure. I can make this bold statement because everything starts with a thought. EVERYTHING! Successful people talk to themselves in a powerful and productive way to keep them on task and believing in their future. They use statements such as "I will..." "I can..." and "I am...".
Ceci Clark, the first woman to be hired full-time in Major League Baseball working in mental training, talks about beating the odds in this inspiring interview. That is exactly what high performers do, she says. They are among the 1-3% that beat the odds and dream big! Ceci discusses how life begins at the end of your comfort zone and how "fear keeps your sharp." Ceci also talks about her experiences as a female working in predominantly male populations including in Major League Baseball and in her previous role with Special Forces.
To create more success, you need to acknowledge your successes. You brain does not naturally do this, so you MUST program it to remember your successes. When you do this, you are programing your subconscious to remember your desire to be successful and it will be more likely to happen!