We all have the need to matter. How does what you do help, inspire, and provide for others? We achieve our deepest satisfaction when we desire to make a difference in the world. When we understand and express our gifts in the interest and for the sake of others, we feel fully alive. Dr. Cindra encourages you to answer the 4 questions provided and reflect on your ikigai today.
Power Phrase this Week: “I know my reason for being. I live with purpose each day.”
Quote of the Week: “Our ikiagi is different for all of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.” Hector Garcia, Author
In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares 5 ways we can develop our grit. High performers are gritty. They know what they really, really, really want. They get clear on why they do what they do. They also choose to feel good each day, and give themselves some grace and compassion along the way.
Power Phrase this Week: “I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.”
Quote of the Week: “Everybody has their own Mount Everest— we were put on this earth to climb.” —Seth Godin, entrepreneur and author
For 20+ years, Fabienne Fredrickson has powerfully mentored thousands of women business owners to grow, then scale their businesses, earning them tens of millions collectively each year, while increasing their time off to enjoy lives they love.
Her Leveraged Business methodology is based on her nearly 15 years of experience in generating multiple 7 figures annually with three children at home, while taking 14 weeks of unplugged vacations each year. It is proven to work.
Fabienne’s revolutionary book, The Leveraged Business: How You Can Go From Overwhelmed at 6-Figures to 7 Figures (and Get Your Life Back) is the new definitive roadmap on how she’s done it with heart and how you can too, without sacrificing your life.
You can get a free copy of the book at TheLeveragedBusinessBook.com, and you can find her at Boldheart.com and on social media channels.
In this interview, Fabienne and Cindra discuss:
“What is a Leveraged Business? It is the result of doing less, better – using smaller efforts to multiply your outcomes and turning your business into a self-managing company.” Fabienne
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FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
TO FIND MORE ABOUT FABIENNE: https://boldheart.com/
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