Jenny Evans is a speaker, author, and on-air expert on physiology and chemistry, as it relates to resiliency, confidence and performance.
She is highly experienced, having worked with thousands of C-suite executives, leaders, and employees — from corporations, associations, and universities across the globe.
Her award-winning book – The Resiliency rEvolution — has been hailed as a “smart, clever read and super-practical guide to leading a more full and resilient life.” She is also the creator of Hit the Deck – the ultimate tool for combating stress and increasing productivity and fitness.
Jenny has spoken on the TEDx stage, writes as a blogger for The Huffington Post and was NBC KARE 11’s Health & Fitness expert for over four years.
Jenny has a bachelor of science degree in kinesiology with an emphasis in psychology from the University of Minnesota.
In this podcast, Jenny and Cindra talk about: *resiliency, confidence and performance)
· How you can restore your chemistry during stress
· What she means by the “bliss” molecules
· How to reduce your “Sneaky Pete”
· Several microstrategies to increase resiliency and confidence
Chris Hanson worked in sales for IBM for nearly 20 years. At 28, he began spending nights and weekends learning the stock market; the goal was time freedom. He got there in 2002 at age 40, and walked away from the j-o-b.
Not long thereafter, people began approaching him saying, “I want to walk away like you did, show me how”, so he started, a stock market workshop that teaches the methods he uses.
Around the time he was leaving, a 21 yr old co-worker was also studying the stock market; he retired at 30. They started a podcast, Investing From The Beach, where they discuss the mindset that is required to achieve time freedom.
Whether it’s real estate or the stock market, most people only focus on the “how to do” of investing. Starting out, they both also made that same mistake. They both realized that to achieve time freedom, the "how to think" is the most important ingredient. Most people don't ever recognize that; that's why so few people are able to achieve time freedom. The reality: one's mindset is about 95% of the equation.
In this podcast, Chris and Cindra talk about:
· “How” to think when investing
· Why so few people invest in their mindset
· A failure that costed him $30K
· How he retired at age 40
· How to dominate the process of a successful trade
· Best ways to overcome failure
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Jim Rohn
High performers embrace change and give up victim language. They take 100% responsibility for their past and future. They avoid the blame game. They act and think like a creator.
Power Phrase this Week: “I think and act like a creator. I give up victim language and create the life I image.”
A born public speaker and trainer, Kit Welchlin began public speaking at the age of 9 in 4-H. By 16, he was organizing and facilitating presentations on leadership, citizenship, community service and motivation for the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
Kit Welchlin purchased his first manufacturing company at age 21, and by 26 was CEO and Chairman of the Board of three manufacturing companies in three states. He’s been an instructor with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, where he has been repeatedly nominated Outstanding Faculty. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association.
Kit has a B.S. Degree in Speech Communication, Business Administration and Political Science. He earned an M.A. Degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.
In 2014, Kit was inducted into the Minnesota Speakers Association Hall of Fame. He has delivered more than 3,000 speeches and seminars to more than 500,000 people over the past 26 years.
In this podcast, Kit and Cindra talk about:
· How to be a quick-change artist
· 3 key drivers of change
· How emotional intelligence relates to change
· 6 mistakes that impact your ability to change
· The 5 components of emotional intelligence
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford.
Power Phrase this Week: “I commit to fail forward. I learn and burn realizing that failure can be mindfully learned from.”
Great leaders are the happiest, most productive people because they have discovered how to lead a life of significance. It's all about making an impact. Joe Schmit has been interviewing and researching influential people discovering the factors that truly make an impact in the lives of others. He is a storyteller who has spent 30 years as sports anchor for KSTP-TV (ABC-Minneapolis/St. Paul) and has been awarded 18 Emmy's and a National Headliner Award. Joe's keynote, workshops, video series and book help individuals and teams put those principles into practice and make a true impact. In this podcast, Joe and Cindra talk about: · What is the silent impact · The blueprint to have a silent impact · Lessons he learned from interviewing the world’s best · How to use impact resolutions · And what is the “Mount Rushmore of Influence”?