We are meaning making machines and we create stories around events all day long. The important point for today is that we can intentionally choose the stories we create. When we do that, we have more energy, creativity, and passion to keep going.
Power Phrase of the Week: “I intentionally choose the story I am creating today.”
Quote of the Week: “Changing your story is as simple as choosing better stories to tell yourself.” Kindra Hall
We all experience automatic negative thoughts because our brain’s role is to keep us safe, not to help us perform well or be happy. To reduce our automatic negative thinking, we first must notice our thoughts. Question those thoughts you have and ask yourself, "What data do you have to support your interpretation?"
Power Phrase of the Week: "I am not my thoughts. I will not believe everything I think!”
Quote of the Week: “You are not your thoughts. You are the OBSERVER of your thoughts.” Amit Ray
In 2015, Joe Ehrmann and Jody Redman, with a grant from the NFL Foundation, implemented a statewide pilot program in partnership with high school athletic associations, educational leadership associations, and the Dallas Cowboys and Denver Broncos. Since that time, the InSideOut Initiative has partnered with 20 NFL teams in 17 states. With the support of the NFL Foundation, the InSideOut Initiative is creating a national movement to transform interscholastic athletics.
Joe Ehrmann, All-American football player played professional football for 13 years and was the NFL’s first Ed Block Courage Award Recipient. Joe is the author of the highly influential and popular InSideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Lives which provides the basis for purpose-based athletics: connecting student-athletes to transformational coaches, in a nurturing community for their social, emotional and character development.
Jody Redman is a nationally recognized speaker, facilitator, author, and thought leader on strategic planning, organizational design and transformation, and leadership development. She is a former collegiate basketball stand-out, high school teacher, head coach, and Athletic Administrator at both the high school and collegiate levels. During her nineteen-year tenure as an Associate Director for the Minnesota State High School League, Jody authored, developed and produced cutting edge online education that supports the social-emotional and character development of school community stakeholders.
In this episode, Joe, Jody and Cindra talk about:
Why it is important to be purpose-driven
What it means to be an inside-out coach and leader
How leaders can become transformational
What healthy masculinity looks like
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901
Your inner critic is your disempowering inner voice that can sound scared, angry, or judgmental. We want to be aware of our inner critic to reduce it. We all have an inner critic inside of us. Remember our inner critic tends to lie to us. We want to respond to our inner critic by challenging it, and choose a more empowering and truthful statement to tell ourselves instead.
This Week's Power Phrase: “I talk to myself powerful instead of listening to my inner critic.”
This Week's Quote of the Week: “It is not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it is what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.” Robert Kiyosoki
You’ll have more energy to sustain you and your goals over years and decades when you cultivate your grit. Success is about sustained performance over time, and cultivating your grit each day is necessary to do so.
Power Phrase this Week: “I am gritty. I am passionate and have a clear vision of the life I am building.”
Quote of the Week: “Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out and not just for a week, not just for the month, but for years.” Angela Duckworth, Professor at University of Pennsylvania
“Quote of the Week: "I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan
Power Phrase of the Week: "When I get frustrated with my progress, I will remind myself I just haven’t done it yet.”
In this episode, we encourage you to think about what you really want in 2023. High performers set goals because it gives them direction and focus. They write their goals down. They follow through with their goals and keep them in mind during the year. They write down the steps to reach their goals, and then are flexible along the way.
Power Phrase of the Week: “I am focused on my goals in 2023.”
Quote of the Week: “Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.” Les Brown
Angie Bastian, along with her husband, Dan, are the founders of Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP, one of the most successful homegrown snack food stories in the 21st century.
Angie and Dan Bastian were looking to put aside some money for their kids’ college fund when they started a small kettle corn business out of the family’s garage. They sold the popcorn at festivals and sporting events, eventually becoming the official popcorn of the Minnesota Vikings after delivering several free bags of popcorn to the players to eat while they watched film during training camp. Eventually, Angie retired from her work as a nurse practitioner and Dan from teaching history to run their company full-time.
The ultimate game changer took place when Angie’s Kettle Corn became BOOMCHICKAPOP, and the rebranding took place. Several years later, Dan and Angie, sold the business in the fall of 2017 as a part of a $250 million dollar buyout by Conagra Brands.
In this episode, Angie shares with us:
“Don’t discount your own unique perspective.” Angie Bastian
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901
Our negativity bias keeps us safe, yet it can prevent us from leading ourselves and others, forming relationships, and taking risks in the pursuit of our dreams. In this episode, we talk about why we have the negativity bias, and how we can handle negativity from others.
Power Phrase of the Week: “ I level up my thoughts to level up my life.”
Quote of the Week: Willie Nelson said: “We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it.”
Gratitude is connected to better health, more optimism, and an increased in resiliency. This week you could start using a scientifically proven tool to increase your gratitude. Three tools we discussed are starting your day with gratitude, using gratitude language, or trying the Grateful Flow exercise.
This Week's Power Phrase: “I choose to intentionally practice gratitude daily. I focus on what I am grateful for to stay fueled and excited for my life.”
This Week's Quote of the Week: “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Eckhart Tolle
Your mindset drives everything – how you live, the stress you feel, and how you lead. Remember all of your emotions are valuable –emotions are not good or bad. By labeling your emotions, you can understand what led to that feeling with curiosity and openness.
Power Phrase of the Week: “I respond with purpose and intention. I master my emotions.”
Quote of the Week: “Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” John Maxwell
Today we are talking about 4 mental strategies that allow you to remain optimistic and see life with a clear lens. Why is this important? Because the future of your career and life is directly tied to your expectations and the ability to see the opportunity in the difficulty.
This Week's Power Phrase: “I level up my self-talk to level up my life.”
Quote of the Week - “Work harder on yourself than you do your job.” —Jim Rohn
Dale Carnegie said it best, “Fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”
The World’s Best choose courage instead of fear. They feel the fear, but don’t let it keep them from doing what they want to, have to, or were designed to do. High performers know that when they feel fear, it means they are doing something important and meaningful.
This week’s power phrase: “I embrace my fear and choose courage.”
Power Phrase of the Week: “I generate energy and positivity. I bring energy in each situation. I am full of enthusiasm, energy, purpose, and happiness.”
Quote of the Week: Dalai Lama – “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
Cy Wakeman is a drama researcher, international leadership speaker, and consultant. In 2001 she founded Reality-Based Leadership. She is the author of three books: Reality-Based Leadership: Ditch the Drama, Restore Sanity to the Workplace and Turn Excuses Into Results (2010), NY Times Bestseller, The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace: Know What Boosts Your Value, Kills Your Chances, and Will Make You Happier (2013), and her new release No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Workplace Drama, End Entitlement, and Drive Big Results (2017). In 2017 and 2018, she was named as one of the Top Global Leadership Gurus by Global Gurus, a Top 100 Leadership Expert to Follow on Twitter, and was deemed “the secret weapon to restoring sanity to the workplace.”
In this interview, Cy and Cindra discuss:
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
TO REACH CY: Cy Wakeman & Reality-Based Leadership (realitybasedleadership.com)
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901
“When your brain says that you’re done, you’re only 40 percent done.” —David Goggins, Navy SEAL and ultramarathoner
Remember the following this week: when I feel like giving in or giving up, I’ll remember the 40 percent rule and how much more I have to give—perhaps up to 60 percent more! When I feel emotional or physical discomfort this week, I’ll remember that discomfort is an ally, not an enemy. To embrace my discomfort, I will write out a discomfort plan so I am ready and can stay gritty.
Power Phrase this Week: “I have a reserve tank that hasn’t even been tapped. I work hard, stay the course, and remain gritty.”
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than the fear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
High performers choose courage instead of comfort. To choose courage over comfort, consider what you can do TODAY that is uncomfortable. Courage is a muscle – the more you use it, the better you get at it. Being uncomfortable each day is the fastest way to make your vision for your life a reality and it’s the only way to reach the people you are intended to serve. Discomfort is the price you pay to experience success, step into your destiny and live a meaningful life. What will you do today to be uncomfortable?
This Week's Power Phrase: “I choose courage over comfort. I flex my courage muscle and go for it.”
“Experience tells you what to do. Confidence allows you to do it.” —Stan Smith
Confidence is belief and trust in your ability. It is your certainty that you will be successful. Having skills and talent is not enough; we have to believe in our skills in order to use them to the best of our ability. In our last episode, we talked about 3 ways to build confidence: 1. Make a Decision, 2. Remind Yourself of Your Accomplishments, and 3: Put on Your Confidence Armor. We are talking about 4 more ways to build confidence today.
Power Phrase this Week: “I choose confidence. I choose to nurture my confidence to be my best for myself and my team.”
“You have to believe you’re good enough to excel at the highest level if you ever expect to get there.” —Pat Summit
In this episode, Dr. Cindra talks about research-backed ways to build confidence. Confidence is a choice you make daily. Your belief and trust in your ability is your choice. Intentionally decide today to take control of your confidence. Believe and trust that you can!
Power Phrase this Week: “I choose confidence. I choose to believe and trust in my ability.”
Dan is a Managing Director and Wealth Management Advisor for Northwestern Mutual. He has nearly a decade of experience in corporate business to business sales. He holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP). He is married to his wife Melissa and has two children, Cameron and Addilyn. When Dan isn't in the office, he enjoys traveling and spending time with his family outdoors. He has participated in multiple marathons and coaches youth sports within his community.
In this interview, Dan and Cindra discuss:
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CINDRA’S BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM: https://cindrakamphoff.com/breakthrough/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
TO REACH DAN: Daniel Robert Hager - Rochester, MN 55902 | Northwestern Mutual
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901
It is easy to care for other people more than we care for ourselves. In this episode, we talk about 7 types of rest to combat burnout and stress. Consider your rest as you are listening. Which type of rest would be most important for you to implement more often?
Power Phrase this Week: “I care for myself so I can thrive and be my best.”
Quote of the Week: “Sometimes the best way to recharge our batteries is to unplug them.” Anonymous
Finding your flow zone starts with your mind and channeling your focus to the present moment. There are three barriers to flow which we discuss in this episode. In this episode, we refer to these 3 barriers as The Three Fs: 1. Focusing on the outcome, 2. Forcing flow, and 3. Focusing on yourself. Your mind is a muscle; it takes daily practice to master it. Flow is like a muscle—the more you train and experience flow.
Power Phrase this Week: “My mind is like a muscle. I train my mind to increase my chances of finding flow.”
Quote of the Week: “If you can’t control the current of the river, then don’t fight it. Just go with the flow.” Anonymous
Corey Perlman is a speaker, consultant and nationally-recognized social media expert. His latest book, Social Media Overload!, ranked #1 on Amazon.com in every major business category. Corey’s spoken for brands such as General Motors, The PGA Tour and Sysco Foods on how to drive business results through social media. His company, Impact Social, Inc., employs a team of highly-skilled digital specialists that manage the social media accounts for over 40 businesses. When not working, Corey loves singing Jimmy Buffett lullabies to his young son and trying to overtake his adolescent daughter for the most Instagram followers.
In this interview, Corey and Cindra discuss:
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
TO REACH COREY: https://coreyperlman.com
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901
“Beware of the thief in your mind that’s after your promise and purpose.” Jim Rohn
Think of your inner limits like thieves in your mind. The thieves take away your power, motivation, and a connection to your purpose. Your thieves are inner limits. Today we are going to talk about three – the three biggest self-limitations that get in the way of our best: 1) Limiting beliefs, 2) Comparison, and 3) Judgment.
Power Phrase this Week: “I choose to empower my beliefs about myself and the world to reach my potential.”
Dr. Rob Elliott Owens, CMPC, CSCS, BCC is a leadership and mindset performance coach trained in the mental and physical aspects of human performance. He currently consults with healthcare and business executives. He is the former chair of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Diversity Committee, and co-facilitated AASP’s Diversity in Sport and Culture course from 2017 until 2021. He currently serves on the certification council for the Certified Mental Performance Consultant credential. In addition to his coaching work, Dr. Owens has taught workshops and college-level courses on leadership development; diversity and inclusion; positive coaching; health and wellness; and group, team, and organizational dynamics. He is a board-certified coach and a nationally certified counselor.
In this interview, Rob and Cindra discuss:
FOLLOW CINDRA ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cindrakamphoff/
FOLLOW CINDRA ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mentally_strong
TO REACH DR. ROB: http://resolute-counseling.org
Love the show? Rate and review the show for Cindra to mention you on the next episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-performance-mindset-learn-from-world-class-leaders/id1034819901