David W. Eccles, is an Associate Professor at Florida State University, and his research concerns the psychology of skilled and expert performance and its development in real-world domains involving performance under stress, ranging from sport to law enforcement, and from medicine to the military.
David received his PhD in Sport Psychology from Bangor University in the UK in 2001 and undertook post-doctoral training at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition from 2002 to 2003. He was then Assistant and later Associate Professor of Psychology at Florida State University (FSU), took a sabbatical from the Sunshine State for a few years at a small university in England, and is currently a Professor of Sport Psychology back at FSU.
He serves as Associate Editor for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport and is on the Editorial Board for the Psychology of Sport and Exercise. David has been the recipient of approximately $5M of external funding to support his research, where funders have included the Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
In this podcast, Dr. Eccles and Cindra talk:
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