“Goal setting is critical in performance but the key is what are you focused on TODAY to get better? The time is now the place is here.” Ken Ravizza
In this episode, Cindra shares 4 take-aways she got from interviewing Ken Ravizza.
Summary: High performers constantly work on themselves. They are in constant evolution. They focus less on how they feel. They enjoy the people that they are around and learn to love where there feet are.
Affirmation this Week: “Today, I will enjoy where I’m at, learn where I’m at, and really immerse myself where I am at.”
Dr. Ken Ravizza was a professor for over 40 years at Cal State Fullerton and has become a legend in professional baseball where he helps teams and athletes master the mental game. He has worked in professional baseball for over 25 years, and has worked closely with Joe Madden, the manager of the Chicago Cubs. Over the years he has worked with Madden at the Angels, Dodgers, Rays, and now at the Cubs. He has been involved in over eight Olympic Games where he has helped athletes master the mental game.
You can find a full transcript of Ken's interview and the show notes at cindrakamphoff.com/ken/.
“No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself.”— Denis Waitley
Summary: High performers live on purpose. They know their purpose. They are committed to something greater then themselves.
This week's affirmation: "I live and play on purpose. My purpose is greater than myself. I have a unique purpose and live that purpose."
Jason Selk is considered to be one of the premier performance coaches in the United States. He helps numerous well-known professional and Olympic athletes as well as Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 executives and organizations develop the mental toughness necessary for high-level success. While serving as the Director of Mental Training for the St Louis Cardinals, Dr. Jason Selk helped the team win their first World Series in over 20 years.
Dr. Selk’s second book, Executive Toughness, is a best-selling business book and his first book, 10-Minute Toughness, is on pace to be one of the best-selling sport psychology books of all time. Dr. Selk’s latest book Organize Tomorrow Today was ranked by CEO READ as the 13th best-selling business book of 2016.
In this interview, Jason and Cindra discuss:
You can find the full show notes at cindrakamphoff.com/jason.
“There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela
High performers find and follow their passion. They turn that passion into their purpose – knowing that their purpose makes them uniquely you. They cultivate that passion – work to grow their passion. They keep trying new things until they find it. So, they can be one of the 11% of people in the world doing what they love!
Affirmation this Week: I find and live my passion. I remind myself every day what I am passionate about.
Gregory Dale, Ph.D. is a Professor of Sport Psychology and Sport Ethics at Duke University. He is also the Director of the Sport Psychology and Leadership Programs for Duke Athletics.
In addition to his work with Duke athletes and coaches, Greg consults with numerous college and professional athletes/teams as well as organizations and corporations around the world. Greg has written four books related to leadership, performance, and parenting.
In this interview, Greg discusses:
For full show notes, visit: cindrakamphoff.com/greg
High performers are gritty. They don’t give up on their goals. They stay the course by owning their why and remember that difficulties happen for them. They imagine the finish line to keep them going, and then take the next step toward what they want.
My Affirmation this Week: “I am gritty. I don’t give up. I stay the course.”
A world-renowned psychologist and Author of several books including the recent New York Times Bestseller Performing Under Pressure, Dr. Hank Weisinger has also written several other books including Emotional Intelligence at Work, The Power of Positive Criticism, The Genius of Instinct, the New York Times Bestseller Nobody’s Perfect.
He has spent three decades helping individuals and organizations enhance their personal and work effectiveness through innovative applications of clinical, counseling, social, organizational, and evolutionary psychology. He is a popular blogger for PsychologyToday.com, Huffington Post, Execunet.com, and Lifehack.org.
To help more people deal with pressure, Dr. Weisinger has transformed Performing Under Pressure into a state of the art empowering E-Course Workshop Experience.
You can get $5 off the $97 price with the COUPON CODE: MINDSET:
Business Performing Under Pressure E-Course: https://hankweisingerphd.com/b2c/?ref=22
Young Adult Performing Under Pressure E-Course: https://hankweisingerphd.com/students/?ref=22
In this interview, Hank discusses:
Get a description and summary at cindrakamphoff.com/hank.
High performers work to understand themselves. They are aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment. They are an observer of themselves and they use the ABCs to stay aware.
My Affirmation this Week: “I work to understand myself and my tendencies. I master myself to reach a new level.”
Dr. Wendy Borlabi is currently working with the Chicago Bulls and is founder of Borlabi Consulting, a performance psychology firm. She is an independent consultant with the National Basketball Association, and worked for the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) at their training center in San Diego for six years (two Winter Olympic and one Summer Olympic Games).
She co-founded Acumen Performance Group along with six current and ex-Navy SEALs, and spend five years at James Madison University where she began the sport psychology services for the student-athletes, coaches and athletic department. She received a doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Sport Psychology and Exercise Psychology at Argosy University/Phoenix.
In this interview, Wendy discusses:
Get a description and tweets/quotes at cindrakamphoff.com/wendy.
“So many years of school and getting degrees yet nobody ever taught us how to love ourselves and why it’s so important.” Lewis Howes
High performers are self-compassionate – they practice kindness. They work to not beat themselves up. They know this leads them to greatness, fulfillment and a high performance. They talk to themselves like their best friend would.
Affirmation this Week: I am kind to myself. I love myself. I am enough.
A runner since age 11, Dr. Jason Karp is one of America’s foremost running experts, entrepreneur, and creator of the Revo2lution Running certification. He owns Run-Fit, LLC, the premier provider of innovative running and fitness services.
A prolific writer, Jason is the author of eight books including: The Inner Runner, Run Your Fat Off, 14-Minute Metabolic Workouts, Running a Marathon For Dummies, Running for Women, and 101 Winning Racing Strategies for Runners.
As a private coach, he has helped many runners meet their potential, ranging from a first-time race participant to an Olympic Trials qualifier. A competitive runner since sixth grade, Dr. Karp is a nationally-certified running coach through USA Track & Field, has been sponsored by PowerBar and Brooks.
Jason discusses in this interview:
Get a description and summary at cindrakamphoff.com/jasonkarp.
“You must learn a new way to think before you can learn a new way to be.” Marianne Williamson
High performers live and teach. They see their problems as gifts – as puzzles to solve. They see their difficulties as opportunities. They channel their inner Gabe and are thankful for their experiences, people and moments. When they do this, they increase their performance, happiness and grit.
This Week's Affirmation: I master my mindset. I grab a hold of my goals. Nothing is too hard or impossible for me!
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the decision that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon
High performers know that growth happens in their Courage Zone. They act with courage and bravery. They play big! They take risks and try new things. They live a life continually pursing their dreams.
Affirmation this Week: I choose my Courage Zone. I will play big, try new things, and act with courage and bravery.
Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin teaches clients how to lose weight and master their mindset so they can lead bigger, better lives. She is author of 4 NY Times bestsellers: The Virgin Diet, The Virgin Diet Cookbook, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet, and JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Cookbook. Her memoir Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Life’s Hardest Lessons explores the powerful lessons in strength and positivity that she learned after her son Grant was the victim of a brutal hit-and-run accident.
JJ hosts the popular JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show podcast and regularly writes for Huffington Post, Rodale Wellness, and other major blogs and magazines. In addition to her work with nutrition and fitness, JJ is also a business coach and founded the premier health entrepreneur event and community, The Mindshare Summit.
In this interview, JJ Virgin reveals how one life-altering event taught her to tap into an indomitable mindset, trust her instincts and defy the odds, ultimately saving her son’s life…and her own.
She also discusses:
You can find JJ on Twitter @jjvirgin, on Facebook HERE, and at www.jjvirgin.com. You can also find the Miracle Mindset Score Card HERE.
Get a description and summary at cindrakamphoff.com/jjvirgin.
“The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitude.” William James, psychologist
High performers understand that happiness is a choice. They realize happiness doesn’t come from what they do or accomplish, it comes from a decision. High performers choose to focus on the 3 Ps of Happiness – pleasure, passion and their higher purpose.
Affirmation this Week: I choose happiness. I focus on what I love to, my passion, and my higher purpose.
James Leath joined IMG Academy in 2015. As Head of Leadership Development, James develops and delivers curriculum for IMG Academy student-athletes across 8 sports and presents to visiting teams, companies, and professional athletes.
James attended Fresno State University where he received his B.A. in Communication. During college, when he wasn't playing football, he was best known for being the beloved mascot of Fresno State, Time Out. After graduation, James went on to play quarterback for a semi-pro team in Fresno, CA. With over 15 years of coaching experience and a M.A. in Performance Psychology, James is passionate about teaching athletes the tools they need in order to be successful in life and in sport.
Some gems James provides in this interview include:
You can find James on Twitter @JamesLeath or follow his blog at jamesleath.com.
Get a description and summary at cindrakamphoff.com/james.
“You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted.” Max Lucado, Best-selling author
High performers are confident – they believe and trust in their ability. They learn and let go when they make a mistake, knowing that failure is just feedback. They end their day building their confidence. And they imagine their future with excitement and picture greatness.
Affirmation this Week: I choose confidence. I choose to believe in myself. I picture my future with excitement!
As an engaging and inspiring speaker who mixes humor with a powerful message, Barbara Churchill has been mentoring working women for over twenty years. Having built and run three successful businesses herself with revenues in seven-figures, she has learned what it takes to create the kind of work/life balance that is meaningful and sustainable. Barbara has lead sessions on self-confidence and leadership for Fortune 100 companies. She also speaks on communication, work/life integration, employee engagement and coaches clients on a one-on-one basis or small group format.
Topics we discuss in this episode include:
You can find Barbara at: www.barbarachurchill.com, on Twitter @BarbChurchill and on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/barbaraburnschurchill.
Mark Twain once said that: “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.”
High performers, or people who are working to reach their greater potential, live on purpose. They know their purpose. They know why they get up in the morning. They are committed to something bigger then themselves.
This week's affirmation: I live and play on purpose. No one else has the same experiences, knowledge and gifts as I do. I have a unique purpose and live that purpose.
In this interview, Brett Bartholomew, provides us a preview of his new book, Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In which achieved “Best Seller” and was ranked in the “Amazon Top 100 Books Overall.”
Brett Bartholomew is a strength and conditioning coach, author, consultant, and founder of the performance coaching and consulting company, Bartholomew Strength. His experience includes across 23 sports at levels ranging from youths to Olympians. He’s supported Super Bowl and World Series Champions, along with several professional fighters, including those competing in the UFC.
Topics we discuss in this episode include:
You can find Brett and more information about his book at ConsciousCoachingBook.com
You can also find Brett on Twitter and Instagram at @Coach_BrettB.
“If you think you can or think you can’t, your right.” Henry Ford
High performers focus on the possibilities. They think big and dream about their future. They do not put limits on their ability or achievements. Instead, they defy limits. They don’t settle for average.
Today's Affirmation today:
I choose to see the possibilities for myself and my future. I stay gritty, believing I can do the impossible. I see all the ways I can make it happen.
Dr. Kay Porter owns Porter Performance Systems, a sports and organizational counseling firm in Eugene, Oregon. She teaches mental training techniques to athletes, teams, businesses, and school districts. She has also worked as a sport psychology consultant to the University of Oregon Athletic Department, USA Track and Field, and the U.S. Tennis Association. She is the author of The Mental Athlete: Inner Training for Peak Performance and Visual Athletics (my favorite imagery book!).
In this interview, she talks extensively about her philosophy of using energy psychology within the framework of mental training. She also shares her refocusing technique which includes 3 parts: 1) blinking, 2) 3 deep breaths, and 3) looking left to right.
You can follow Kay on Twitter @KayPorter or find her at thementalathlete.com.
Gritty people know what they want. In the face of adversity and setbacks, they go after their goals with deep commitment. They have passion, perseverance and purpose that drives them toward long-term goals.
Are you gritty? In this episode, Cindra talks about 3 Signs to know if you are gritty!
This week's affirmation: "I am gritty. I have a deep commitment to my long-term goals. I put in the hours necessary for success."
Dr. Vernice Richards is the Director of Mental Conditioning and Peak Performance at the Evert Tennis Academy. She is originally from Trinidad and Tobago. She is a certified by the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP-CC #505), received her Masters in Counseling specializing in Sports Psychology from Boston University and her PhD in Sport Psychology from Florida State University.
In this interview, she discusses her pyramid of success, how she teaches breathing and mindfulness, and how we can "compete" to be the best we can be.
Full shownotes are available at cindrakamphoff.com/vernice.